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EDI 819: Joint Interest Billing and Operating Expense Statement

EDI 819 Definition

The EDI 819 Joint Interest Billing and Operating Expense Statement is a specialized document used in the electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions between partners in joint ventures, particularly in industries like oil and gas. It facilitates the detailed sharing of costs and expenses incurred in joint operations, ensuring transparency and accuracy in the billing process among entities sharing interest in a project.

What is EDI 819 Used for?

Entities involved in joint ventures use the EDI 819 to communicate billing information related to shared projects. This document is essential for accurately dividing operating expenses among partners according to their respective shares or interests in the venture. It ensures that each entity receives a clear and detailed account of the costs for which they are responsible, facilitating timely and accurate reimbursement processes.

Key Elements of EDI 819

An EDI 819 document encompasses several critical elements to convey billing and operating expense information effectively:

Benefits of EDI 819

Utilizing the EDI 819 document offers several advantages:

EDI 819 Document Example

Here’s a simplified example of what an EDI 819 might look like in raw data format:



N1*JV*Comparatio Joint Venture*1*94-1234567


IT1**5000*AC*Drilling Expenses




Guide to EDI 819 Terms and Elements:

This example is designed to give a basic understanding of how an EDI 819 document might look, including the types of information it conveys. Remember, the actual implementation might vary based on specific business needs and partnerships.

Optimize Your Joint Interest Billing and Operating Expense Statements with Comparatio

Ready to enhance your financial management and transparency with EDI 819? Contact Comparatio today to discover how our EDI solutions can streamline your joint interest billing processes, improve accuracy in operating expense statements, and foster stronger partnerships through clear, timely financial communication.

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